Friday, July 10, 2009

3 Minutes

I met somebody for just three minutes just now. Have you ever met somebody for that short time period, when you knew that you should've met them for much longer time? It was to short! Imagine. The clock starts counting when I met my buddy ni lah. It all started with a bright, broad smile. There were kids playing around. For my introduction, I asked some basic, common questions. I got basic, common, same old type of answer. "Yeah,Okay je". Then, I took a glance look straight into her eyes. by now, tak dengar dah budak2 tu jerit2. A lot of questions are coming out of my brain, don't know which one to choose. Huh, my body started to sweat.A lot. I asked the same question again, for the second time. HAHA. No idea. Poor boy. And then, the world became much more smaller than it was before we met. Asked one last question. HAHA. Rasa nak minum air plak. Cuak. get back into my car. Kirim salam semua. go back home. I met her in just 3 minutes. HAH? APA NI? Berbaloi tak? Apa cite ni? Berbaloilah jugak. HAHAHA! Ish, rafiq, rafiq. you can stand, talk, sing, perform in front of thousands of people. But when it comes this type of situation, when you have to face this pretty young girl *cough*, whats up bro? haha. tell me laa. heh. you're still the same guy haa.tau cuakk. haha. nice meeting you baby. TET! Tak faham.