I grew up listening to his songs. Teringat masa kecik, terpengaruh dengan dia. Belajar buat moonwalk, cara dia pakai topi, pernah gak tiru hairstyle dia, tak faham lirik billie jean, WOOOH! suka gila bila dia buat macam tu! Banyak lagiiii....!
1) Billie Jean
2) Thriller
3) You are not alone
4) Heal the World
5) Black and White
6) Earth's Song
7) Rock with You
8) P.Y.T Pretty Young Thing
9) I'll be there
10) ABC
11) Senang cerita, semua suka ahh!
You really inspires me somehow. You make my childhood full of questions and imaginations with no answers. You are my peterpan. You are not alone. Love you, MJ.
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